
This is our document put together based on the wonderful information on the JTA Website.

The Trail is always evolving and already the stage near Fuhais has been changed to go to Salt instead (a great decision as the area near Fuhais was 15km we skipped happily as it was all road and industrial areas on Amman’s outskirts).

Our dates changed slightly but the itinerary was not too far off what we ended up doing. For some this will be too slow for others maybe slightly too much daily kms. Each person tackles the trail differently.

Disclaimer: The website content is based on our research and our experience on the trail. The website is intended for information and convenience. Your use of this web site is at your own risk.  We cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Visitors who rely on this information do so at their own risk and should consult the Jordan Trail Association regarding any trail questions and the latest information.